Steps to Heal

Restoring your emotional and mental health balance one step at the time using practical psychotherapy methodology.

Psychotherapy is rediscovering your true self and finding your way back home within

It’s about embracing your authentic identity and being present in the current moment. In my role as an integrative and person-centered therapist, I customize my approach to suit your individual experiences. I’m here to offer supportive guidance as you embark on this one-of-a-kind journey of self-discovery.

Initiating the first step and reaching out to a mental health specialist can be daunting, requiring immense courage.  I look forward to meeting you and am ready to address any questions you may have about my practice.

Registered psychotherapists


Have you faced the weight of grief or loss, navigated significant life transitions, or grappled with health challenges, be they chronic or acute? Have injury and trauma left their mark, or do you find yourself caring for someone with a chronic illness? While the path to healing may not always be straightforward, seeking psychotherapy is a pivotal first step on this transformative journey.

Living with Illness and Psycho-Spiritual Care

In the face of compromised physical health, the weight of stress and sadness can become stifling, hindering our capacity for healing. Engaging in psychotherapy provides a tailored avenue to navigate and alleviate these emotional burdens, fostering a more resilient path towards well-being.

Walk and Talk Therapy

Beyond conventional in-office or video sessions, I offer Walk and Talk therapy—an innovative approach that integrates the advantages of nature, gentle physical activity, and psychotherapy. This unique blend provides a refreshing and dynamic setting for therapeutic exploration and growth.


Areas of practice


Treatment approaches

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